“The theory that birds are the equivalent of living dinosaurs and that dinosaurs were feathered is so full of holes that the creationists have jumped all over it, using the evolutionary nonsense of ‘dinosaurian science’ as evidence against the theory of evolution,” he said.
“To paraphrase one such individual, ‘This isn't science . . . This is comic relief.’” -->(!!!)<--
Protoavis (Triassic)

Merely 58% Genetic Similarity between T. Rex and Chicken?

Feathered Feet and the Snowshoe in Birds

Massive Size of Dinosaurs and Birds
Feathered Dinosaurs Drive Creationists Crazy

Mother Nature's Dirty Little Tricks (Triassic Avian Ancestor in Semi-Aquatic Environment)

Tyrannosaurus Rex "Visual Acuity"

Interesting Related Links
- A Marine Shorebird (Archosaurian Descendant) that behaved like some lizards who ran over water to escape predation.
- Hollow bones helped high-flying reptiles stay aloft
"...Similar design features exist in modern birds, which evolved them independently, say the scientists." - Swimming led to flying physicists say
"...Fruit flies 'swim' through air, using the same physics as fish, study shows
Fruit flies and other flyers also use drag to "swim" through the air, the scientists say. Their discovery lends support to the evolutionary theory that flight in insects emerged from swimming.
Flying snakes... flying squirrels... flying reptiles and flying birds? - Early bird makes a splash
"...although many people think of ducks, geese and other waterfowl as specialized animals, they are quite primitive in comparison to highly evolved species such as songbirds... almost every bird group alive today has representatives that live in or around water, Chiappe says, suggesting that a watery lifestyle may be an ancient tradition that has persisted in many lineages... Chiappe admits that the aquatic-origins theory could be cast into doubt if somebody finds a fossilized land bird of the same vintage as Gansus. - Bird-from-dinosaur theory of evolution challenged: Was it the other way around?
"...A new study provides yet more evidence that birds did not descend from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs, experts say, and continues to challenge decades of accepted theories about the evolution of flight." - Ancient origins and multiple appearances of carotenoid-pigmented feathers in birds
"...The broad palette of feather colours displayed by birds serves diverse biological functions, including communication and camouflage. Fossil feathers provide evidence that some avian colours, like black and brown melanins, have existed for at least 160 million years (Myr), but no traces of bright carotenoid pigments in ancient feathers have been reported." - Leading Ornithologist, "Arguments for ancient bird feather color 'Pure Mythology'"
- Synchrotron-based chemical imaging reveals plumage patterns in a 150 million year old early bird
"...Studies on the elucidation of colour in fossil feathers have suggested that the presence of melanosomes within fossil feathers may be used to tentatively reconstruct feather colours by tracking variations in melanosome shape. [...] This structural approach has some shortcomings, primarily that there is known diversity in melanin granule morphology among different species, and melanosome preservation may not be uniform. Therefore, serious questions may be raised about colour interpretation based solely on fossilised melanosome morphology and distribution. Additionally, these studies did not account for other known contributors to colour in feathers, such as the possible presence of other pigments (e.g. carotenoids) or other physical structures." - Winter cardinals don their brightest red feathers
"...Cardinals get the pigments responsible for red feathers from their food. Cardinals, tanagers and goldfinches can't synthesize carotenoids - the pigments responsible for red, orange and yellow feathers. If the birds don't eat enough carotenoid-rich fruits and insects, feathers that grow in during the next molt will be less colorful. Dogwood, rose and Japanese honeysuckle berries are locally abundant sources of carotenoid pigments." - Molecular evidence for the origin of birds (backup)
- Dynamic evolution of the alpha (α) and beta (β) keratins has accompanied integument diversification and the adaptation of birds into novel lifestyles
- Exploring the biofluiddynamics of swimming and flight
- Researchers Compare Chicken, Human Genomes: Analysis Of First Avian Genome Uncovers Differences Between Birds And Mammals (click) and (click)
- Brush Your Beak: 10 Amazing Birds With Teeth
Do birds have teeth? Ask any biologist and the answer will be “absolutely not!”, but “absolute” is a relative term and when one stretches the definitions of what makes a bird or a tooth, birds with teeth aren’t absolutely impossible anymore.

Look at these wonderful visceral arches hinting at the aquatic ancestry for birds!
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Bright Red Feathers on T. Rex?!
"Frugivore Raptor" and "Vegan Rex" may have confidence in the Dinosaur-Bird myth but any person with a reasonably adequate understanding of the fossil record and how legitimate paleontology functions, can not.
Disciples of Dino-Bird Mythology may choose to believe T. Rex was a conscientious "vegetarian which dined upon an abundant supply of berries."
However, they are not alone. One other well-known group of people who make claim T. Rex was a Vegetarian: CREATIONISTS. They too claim there were no carnivorous diets (death) "before the fall".
And that's all I can say of such silly mythology vs. legitimate science!

For the Anti-Creationism Darwinist Among Us
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My Other Blog:
Genesis in the Ancient World
"The Jews integrated into Greek culture around 300 BC. Notably, much of the modern Biblical literature is actually Greek. Enlightened Greek thought becomes apparent in the opening of Genesis. "One of the first evolutionary theories was proposed by Thales of Miletus (640–546 BC) in the province of Ionia on the coast near Greece followed by Anaximander (550 B.C.) who speculated that life evolved from the water; lower forms of life, in a very primitive precursor to evolutionary theory."
Namely this *ouch!*
Evolution and Paleontology in the Ancient World
"...For Anaximander, the world had arisen from an undifferentiated, indeterminate substance, the apeiron. The Earth, which had coalesced out of the apeiron, had been covered in water at one stage, with plants and animals arising from mud. Humans were not present at the earliest stages; they arose from fish. This poem was quite influential on later thinkers, including Aristotle.
Had Anaximander looked at fossils? Did he study comparative fish and human anatomy? Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing what evidence Anaximander used to support his ideas. His theory bears some resemblance to evolutionary theory, but also seems to have been derived from various Greek myths, such as the story of Deucalion and Pyrrha, in which peoples or tribes are born from the Earth or from stones. His concept of the apeiron seems similar to the Tao of Chinese philosophy and religion, and to the "formless and void" Earth of the Hebrew creation account and other creation myths. However, even though Anaximander's ideas drew on the religious and mythical ideas of his time, he was still one of the first to attempt an explanation of the origin and evolution of the cosmos based on natural laws."
(Source, ucmp.berkeley.edu History)
[Sadly, what the site fails to mention is that the oldest known biblical manuscripts date no earlier than around 300 B.C., therefore, Anaximander (610-545 B.C.) could not have based any of his concepts on Biblical Hebrew. However it can be deduced, the Hebrew Genesis account was borrowed from mainstream Greek philosophy.] [The analysis by Harvard and several other University sources are quite impressive: (Scala Naturae of the Bible, Charles Darwin and Ancient Greek Philosophy)]